Hello! I am very excited to be guest posting on Erin's blog today. My name is Jodie and you can find me over at Jodie Noted. My blog is an uplifting collection of things that fill my days, things that brighten my mood, and things I can't help but share with others.
I've known Erin for years and years and she has always been someone I admire and respect. I especially look up to her for her desire and ability to tackle something as intimidating as living gluten-free - and doing it happily! So let's all give a big hooray to Erin for letting us all in on her life-altering secrets, tips, and tricks.
The recipe I'm sharing today is as simple as it gets. They are called Butter Mints and they are a Christmas favorite of mine. My mom made them every year for our neighbors and friends, but was lucky to even get them out the front door thanks to me and my siblings' sweet-teethed cravings.
These delicious little candies remind me of some of my most cherished Christmas memories. And isn't that one of the best things about food? The emotional connection we have to foods we grew up with and foods that are made at special times - the memories unleashed at the smell of peppermint or the sip of homemade soup. When I make these mints, I think of my family at Christmas time. Many people have their favorite Christmas traditions - games played, movies watched, etc. My favorite tradition is simply the way my family spends our time together. Our Christmas mornings growing up were never rushed or outrageous. We turned on music and started a fire and watched patiently as each sibling took turns carefully unwrapping their presents. My husband jokes that when we spend Christmas morning with my family, we do everything in the world besides open presents. What can I say? We take our time. But those are the moments I remember most. The laughter and stories and "thank you"'s and surprises in between the actual gifts. I hope to always carry that attitude with me each Christmas season and pass it along to my children.
Okay, now I'm ready to divulge the much-beloved recipe. I hope you enjoy!
Butter Mints
6 Tablespoons butter, softened
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons peppermint flavoring
2 pounds powdered sugar
3-4 drops of green food coloring
Mix all ingredients with electric mixer until smooth. Using powdered fingers, roll dough small balls (it will feel like really thick frosting) and lightly coat in powdered sugar. Place on wax paper on cooking sheet. Press balls lightly with bottom of glass. Let air dry for at least one day.
And, if you're looking to kick it up a notch, go crazy and drizzle some chocolate over them. Yum!
Karina's Irish Beef Stew
1 week ago
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